Sunday, July 11, 2010

Si Incredible Hulk

This morning, I was messaged through facebook by my old crush back in High School.
The usual questions like how are you, where do you work now etc...

It was supposed to be a fun conversation except for him calling me Suplada. Duhhhh... And he even got the nerve to call me suplada. The mere fact that I still accepted him as a friend in facebook and I even replied to his chat message means that I am not. It won't be easy to find someone as cool as me after all that had happened since high school and the controversies I even had in college because of him.

And now, he even asked me if I wanted to invite him for a date... If I'll say yes, it would definitely mean that I am still after him. Seeing in his profile that he's in a relationship, of course, I declined. I told him, "no... cannot be. You're taken...". Guess what did he say, "WHo told you so? Of course I'm available." And then I replied, "Would you want another issue with your current girlfriend?". Guess what he did? He logged out and left me with no reply.

Because of that conversation, I had a bad weekend. Why do attached men love to flirt on me? Do they really think that I am that desperate to go out with a taken man? I do understand men who I just met recently to act that way. They don't know me that much... But for this High School buddy to converse to me that way... I just can't believe it and it pissed me off.

1 comment:

  1. yes,why do attached men love to flirt on us? we are not that kind of women.
